Women's health

In women hormone levels shift during different stages of life. Hormones vary before or after their menstruation cycle, during pregnancy, before, during and after menopause etc. Stress, hard work, physical exercises, chronic and acute diseases such as flu or even having a toothache influence hormone balance.

An imbalance in hormone levels could be associated with weight gain or loss, but it also can cause difficulties in losing weight. Hormone imbalance could be associated with some skin problems, like acne, skin redness, sweaty skin, hair loss and digestive problems.

I start by meeting with my client to discuss their problems and help them to identify if there are any reasons to visit a clinical doctor. My consulting practice is not a clinical consultancy but I do spend a lot of time with my clients to identify their issues. I refer my clients to GPs or clinical consultants when required. I work together with my clients to address their problem to prevent further complications developing.

I do not prescribe hormone replacement therapy, any antidepressants or anabolic medicine. Where a client requires medical intervention rather than lifestyle modelling, I will work with healthcare professionals to address the client’s issues appropriately. As soon as the health problem has been addressed, I will restart my coaching sessions again.

Many of women’s hormone imbalance issues can be resolved by a change of their style of life, food, physical and social activity, or by stress management practice.